Your guide to the nation's top male infertility doctors,
and what to know before you go.




List of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Male infertility is a broad and complex area. The following information is intended only as a very general introduction to the subject of male infertility. We strongly encourage you to find a specialist in your area to fully evaluate your particular situation.

  1. How common a problem is male factor infertility?
  2. What are the most common causes of male infertility?
  3. What lifestyle changes can be made to improve the quantity and quality of sperm?
  4. How do you test for male infertility?
  5. What is a semen analysis and will it tell me if I am fertile?
  6. What tests are included in a basic semen analysis?
  7. Are there other test we should consider having done on the semen?
  8. What should you look for in a laboratory?
  9. What are treatment options when there is a poor semen analysis?
  10. What is azoospermia and can a person with azoospermia ever have biological children?
  11. I have been told I have a varicocele. What is it?
  12. What if I am interested in having a vasectomy reversal?
  13. What is Epididymitis and how is it treated?

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